Minca and My House - By Maria

We are staying three weeks in a town called Minca. The town is very very small. It is pretty much just travelers. There are more travelers than people who live in this town. I like hearing so many different languages even though I don't know them. Because of the travelers, it is a little more expensive here. There are more types of different restaurants too. Me in front of a Middle Eastern restaurant. The food was so good! There are only four roads in this town. The whole town could fit into a Target! In order to get to town, we have to walk a quarter mile and then cross a bridge that is four pieces of bamboo with wooden boards across it. We like going this way to town, even though there is another way to get to town. I like the bridge, but sometimes the water gets really high and touches the bridge and it is really scary that you'll get wet or fall in. One night we went to a dessert restaurant and there were singers and there were some people who were taking videos an...