Hummingbirds and Hot Springs - By Maria

Have you ever been in a hot spring? I bet you've been in a hot tub. It is like that, except it is natural, so the earth heats it up. 

We went up to some hot springs in the mountains, in the middle of nowhere. The hotel we stayed at was the only thing around. It was called Termales Del Ruiz. Our altitude was over 11,000 feet high, so we had to drink a lot of water so we wouldn't get headaches or altitude sickness. 

In addition to hot springs, there were trails and places to view birds. Most of the birds were hummingbirds. We were given little plastic containers that you can put nectar in, and the hummingbirds will fly onto your hands to drink the nectar. It was exciting every time the birds would come to you, and it never got old.

Some of the hot springs from our hotel room

Me getting ready to go in a hot spring

Us in the hot springs

The first hummingbird that landed on my hand

A hummingbird flying to my hand. 

We went to a waterfall and walked down the stream and rocks. 

Exploring the waterfall. 

A hummingbird on my hand

The food that they served at the hotel was really good. 

On the way down the mountain, we stopped to see a waterfall. 

On the cliff near the waterfall, the water trickling out of the side of the cliff is hot from the hot springs. We could see the steam. 

If you come to Colombia, I suggest going to this spot! 



  1. Feeding the hummingbirds looked like a really cool experience! There is a lack of photos with your mom! 😊

  2. I also agree that there aren't enough pictures of your Mom.
    The hot springs look wonderful. Did they smell? You look cozy in the robe. The hummingbirds look huge! We can't wait to hear all about your trip.

    1. Some of the pictures are of the hummingbirds on her hands, and only one of the hot springs smelled and we think the hummingbirds were huge because they feed them so much.

  3. Looks like so much fun. Especially the humming birds! Minnesota humming birds are so shy! Aunt Linda

  4. Amazing! How did you get to the hotel in the middle of nowhere? Did you have to fly in a private airplane? Or take a helicopter?

    Feeding hummingbirds by hand looks so cool!!

    1. We drove a couple hours in a car. It was a dirt road and really bumpy.


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