Candy Beggars - By Maria

We drove to a new region. We are in the desert next to the ocean. Here there are not really roads so when you are in the car you go back and forth, back and forth. And there are kids that sit on the ground and when cars come by, they beg for candy. They put their hands out for the candy or they put a rope out. They do it every day that they don't have school and they sit there every day begging for candy. It is kind of like a parade but they do it every day. And we throw them candy. I think it is fun throwing them candy. 

We're not keeping track and I'm forgetting the days of the week! On Friday, we went to the beach twice. They were beaches next to cliffs and the cliffs were kind of over you. At the beaches we played in the sand and swam in the ocean. 
We climbed a big hill that was super windy.
 In the morning we went to a place that we got to see huge waves come and the waves are so big that they make rainbows when they spash onto the rock. 

There are goats (chivos) EVERYWHERE.  There are goats and not cows because goats eat everything and it is hard for cows to live in the desert. 


  1. We don't see rainbows very often but you saw one right after another! G'pa and I have communicated in a variety of ways with all our family today. That's an added bonus of the holiday. Hope your day had new adventures. Grandma G

  2. From Savannah. You are on a cool journey. When are you coming back to Minnesota?

  3. Great post, Maria! It’s so interesting how people act and sometimes even think differently in different cultures. You are getting a great education and enjoying God’s beauty along the way! The goats remind us a bit of Hawaii. But instead of goats, there are chickens everywhere! Thank you so much for posting this! We love reading them! ~Grandpa & Nana-Carol


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