New Years Celebration - By Maria


       For New Years, there is a service where they thank God for all the great things that happened last year, and ask for a good next year. They have a tradition all over Colombia where they burn a creepy human sized doll at midnight. The doll represents all of the bad things that have happened in the past year. They are made out of leftover things like flat soccer balls for the head, and other accessories like the Dunkin’ Donuts employee hat, and are old clothes that are stuffed with straw. What the kids do is start dancing at 7:00pm and  go to bed at 9:00pm and then they wake up at midnight so they can participate in the New Year's celebration, which includes burning the doll, hugs, handshakes, and candy. The adults don't stop their party until 7am. There is loud music and dancing all night long.

                            The dolls burning


  1. That was a very informative blog entry. I had never heard of that tradition so I learned something new!! Did you participate in the dancing and party?

    1. Not the dancing, but a little bit of the party at midnight. Seth and I woke back up like the other kids in the village did.

  2. That sounds like an amazing tradition! Do the dolls smell terrible as they burn? Did your mom and dad party all night?

    1. We left before the rubber boots started to burn. The rest didn't smell bad. And they did not stay up all night, but when we woke up, the partying was still going on.

  3. Thank you for the information Maria :) Amazing how you learn traditions and their meaning.... keep writing and sharing, always love to hear from you :)

  4. Love it, Maria....keep up the good work!

  5. I am glad you are writing your blog again. I look forward to reading them.

  6. That is so interesting Maria!
    I love experiencing other cultures, but I think I'd prefer our American New Years over that one!
    Which do you prefer?

    1. I'm not sure. I think I like both of them in different ways. I think it is smart for the kids to go to bed and wake back up. I've never heard of that before.

  7. I love your blog, Maria! Your writing is so informative and your pictures are awesome! I'm so excited to learn about Colombia through you! ❤️, Mrs. A.

  8. I love that you are sharing your adventures and new things you are learning about. Your writing is descriptive and I love learning from you. Ms. Prather

  9. Awesome blog! Thank you for sharing. I will share it with the class today :)
    -Ms. Samson

  10. What a cool tradition. Thanks for sharing Maria!

  11. Those dolls look really creepy!


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